Programming a Comau robot involves several steps, including setting up the hardware, configuring the software environment, and writing and testing the code. Comau robots typically use the C5G or C5C controller and can be programmed using the PDL2 programming language. Here is a step-by-step guide to get you started:


1. Setting Up the Hardware

  • Power Supply: Ensure the robot and controller are connected to the appropriate power supply.

  • Connections: Connect the robot to the controller using the provided cables. Ensure all connections are secure.

  • Emergency Stop: Verify that the emergency stop button is functioning and accessible.


2. Software Environment

  • Install Software: Install Comau's software package, such as C5G or C5C controller software, on your computer. This might include tools like the RoboTeach pendant, C4G/C4C HMI, and PDL2 programming environment.

  • Connect to Controller: Connect your computer to the robot controller via Ethernet or a dedicated interface.


3. Basic Programming in PDL2

PDL2 (Programming Development Language 2) is the primary language for Comau robots. Here are the basic steps to write a simple program:

Step 1: Initialize the Program

MODULE main PROC main()


Step 2: Define Variables and Points

VAR point p1, p2 VAR num speed p1 = HERE # Get the current position and store it in p1 p2 = point(x:100, y:200, z:300, rx:0, ry:0, rz:0) speed = 50 # Set the speed to 50%


Step 3: Program Movements

MOVE P, p1, speed # Move to point p1 at the specified speed DELAY 2 # Wait for 2 seconds MOVE L, p2, speed # Move linearly to point p2 at the specified speed

Step 4: Ending the Program



4. Testing the Program

  • Upload Program: Transfer the program to the robot controller.

  • Test Run: Run the program in a test mode to verify movements without full-speed execution.

  • Debug: Observe the robot’s actions and adjust the program as necessary. Use the debug tools provided by the Comau software to step through the code and identify issues.


5. Safety Considerations

  • Work Area: Ensure the work area is clear of obstructions and personnel.

  • Emergency Stops: Be familiar with the location and operation of emergency stops.

  • Speed and Power: Test the robot movements at reduced speeds initially to ensure safety.

Example Program in PDL2

Here’s a more comprehensive example to give you a clearer picture:

MODULE main PROC main() VAR point home, pick, place VAR num speed # Define points home = point(x:0, y:0, z:0, rx:0, ry:0, rz:0) pick = point(x:200, y:100, z:50, rx:0, ry:0, rz:0) place = point(x:400, y:200, z:100, rx:0, ry:0, rz:0) # Set speed speed = 30 # 30% speed # Move to home position MOVE P, home, speed DELAY 1 # Wait for 1 second # Move to pick position MOVE L, pick, speed DELAY 1 # Simulate pick action MOVE P, home, speed # Return to home position # Move to place position MOVE L, place, speed DELAY 1 # Simulate place action MOVE P, home, speed # Return to home position ENDPROC ENDMODULE


6. Advanced Programming

For more complex tasks, you can incorporate advanced features such as:

  • Loops and Conditionals: Implement loops (FOR, WHILE) and conditional statements (IF-THEN-ELSE).

  • Error Handling: Use error handling routines to manage unexpected conditions.

  • Integration: Communicate with external devices like vision systems, PLCs, and other robots.


Learning Resources

  • Documentation: Refer to the official Comau robot manuals and programming guides.

  • Training: Attend training sessions offered by Comau or certified partners.

  • Community and Support: Join forums, user groups, or contact Comau support for assistance.

By following these steps and utilizing the available resources, you can effectively program and operate a Comau robot.