Robot: A robot is a mechanical or virtual device that is programmed to perform various tasks autonomously or semi-autonomously. Robots can be found in diverse environments, from industrial settings to homes and research laboratories. They are typically designed to interact with their surroundings using sensors, actuators, and onboard intelligence.

Cobot (Collaborative Robot): A cobot, short for collaborative robot, is specifically designed to work alongside humans in a shared workspace. Unlike traditional industrial robots that often operate in separate cages or safety enclosures, cobots are built with advanced safety features and sensors that allow them to safely collaborate with humans without causing harm. Cobots are intended to enhance human productivity, assist with tasks, and enable efficient human-robot collaboration.

Mobot (Mobile Robot): A mobot, or mobile robot, refers to a robot that is capable of moving or navigating in its environment. These robots are equipped with mechanisms such as wheels, tracks, or legs that enable them to traverse different surfaces and locations. Mobots can range from small robots used for exploration or delivery purposes to larger robots used in warehouses, agriculture, or even autonomous vehicles.


Source: Robotics Trend in History, notes, by Dr. Cengiz Deniz, 2022


The field of robotics is constantly evolving, and several trends are expected to shape its future. Here are some notable robotics trends for the future:

  1. Artificial Intelligence (AI) Advancements: Artificial intelligence will continue to play a crucial role in robotics. As AI technologies advance, robots will become more intelligent, adaptive, and capable of understanding and responding to complex environments and human interactions. AI will enable robots to learn from experience, make decisions, and perform tasks with greater autonomy.

  2. Human-Robot Collaboration and Interaction: The trend of human-robot collaboration will intensify, focusing on developing robots that can seamlessly work alongside humans. These robots will be designed to understand human intentions, communicate effectively, and adapt to dynamic environments. Improved human-robot interaction will facilitate safer and more efficient teamwork, particularly in industries such as manufacturing, healthcare, and logistics.

  3. Service Robotics: The adoption of robots in various service-oriented sectors is expected to increase significantly. Service robots will assist in tasks such as healthcare support, eldercare, household chores, and customer service. These robots will become more capable, user-friendly, and personalized to cater to specific needs and preferences.

  4. Medical and Healthcare Robotics: Robotics will continue to revolutionize the medical and healthcare industries. Surgical robots will become more advanced, allowing for minimally invasive procedures with enhanced precision and dexterity. Additionally, robots will assist in patient care, rehabilitation, and telemedicine applications, improving healthcare accessibility and quality.

  5. Autonomous Vehicles and Drones: The development and deployment of autonomous vehicles and drones will continue to reshape transportation, logistics, and delivery services. Self-driving cars and trucks will become more common on roads, reducing accidents and optimizing traffic flow. Drones will find increased usage in package delivery, surveillance, agriculture, and disaster response.

  6. Robotics in Education: Robotics will find its place in educational institutions as a tool for hands-on learning and skill development. Educational robots will be used to teach programming, engineering, and problem-solving to students of all ages. This trend will foster a generation with better robotics literacy and expertise.

  7. Ethical and Social Implications: As robots become more integrated into society, discussions around ethics, privacy, and social impact will become more prominent. Attention will be given to ensuring responsible and ethical robot design, addressing concerns related to job displacement, data security, and the equitable distribution of benefits.

These trends indicate a future where robots play increasingly significant roles in our lives, improving productivity, enhancing safety, and augmenting human capabilities.